Monday, October 25, 2010

My Victory Recipe

This is a personal journey like no other.  Completely custom.Healing in the race of life is an endeavor not for the slight of heart, however I am beating the odds and this is how I do it.
In this post, I will outline the systems I use to propel my healing. As the site grows, I will include more information about how these modalities serve me, and can serve anyone in search of balanced health. This is simply my method, the way I chose to take on the odds and balance my body to complete beautiful health.

  My Health Menu

Intergrative Medicine and Healing Therapies

Natural Medicine and Diagnostics
Conventional Medicine and Diagnostics
Biological Dentistry
Organic and natural nourishment
Heat therapy- Infrared Sauna
Electro- medicine
Oxygen Therapy
Massage Therapy
Nutraceutical Supplementation
Walking, Aqua Therapy
Modified Fitness training
Meditation and Prayer
Vocational Rehabilitaton
Medical Counselling

My Inside Mind

Meditation and Prayer
Love Deeply
Authentic beautiful relationships

My Personal Space

Healing sounds

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Addition by Subtraction

 Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis is a committment I  have made to myself and to my son. I want to be his hero in this carnal suit. 
It has been a hearty task to say the least but what else is there to do? 

The task is clear. HEAL. 

This is how we begin our healing degree...

We add health by subtracting all that is not health.

This is my philosophy. Addition by subtraction is a resounding mantra I live by. In health and fitness, in design, in life.We are meant to attract all that heals and release all that does not, but life can trick us and camoflague the truth.

As I learn to heal, my consistent mental thought has to  " What heals me"? Then by default, "What is not healing me?" 

I apply my formula the best I can by taking away the toxic noise, pollution, fumes, nutrition deficient consumption, thoughts or beings. Next, I consciously add to my moment a healing component...  nature, trees and oxygen, natural healing sounds and aromas,warm tea, a hug to my child or my beloved, nutrition, meditation and most of all the permission to myself to admit taking a healing committment with no holds bar approach is not always easy but I know worth it.