Monday, August 22, 2011



The body is a busy place living in a busy place. Living with a chronic pain condition can catapult you into simple survival each moment to the next. While living, working,walking taking sitting singing and all else consider this:

At the end of a day your body feels already feels overworked and exhausted... aside from the intense management of carrying the companion of pain.Your muscles are sore from all the work  and living,IN ADDITION to the chronic pain of a deterioating condition.

Massage helps relax you, your mind and heart as well stretch your muscles and increase energy and blood flow to restricted  pained areas. Gives your bones a break from the stress too.There are different types of massage techniques applied not only to your skin but to underlying tissues as well.

When your body is relaxed you will rest well that night and begin the next day new and refreshed


 RA is a painful painful bully and goes commandeering territory as it will.  Massage relaxes us from the tension of the incessant pain.Never mind prolonged sitting, standing, carrying ANY objects and other lifes happenings. Other painful conditons apply here too...

A massage helps alleviate the PAIN.

When you are in pain your muscles contract. You are in your daily life with your muscles contract and stiffening just to get your body to the next task.Pain commands the front seat in your mind riding shotgun every inch of the way. This intensity makes it difficult to move in any other rider.Pain is painful.Period.A massage really really helps to alleviate the pain, promote realxation and reset your body and mind.


A massage therapist manipulates body tissues. Manipulates blood vessels as well promoting energy and circulation via flow and oxygen movement.
The blood (red blood cells) carries oxygen. More Please : )

Touch is healing, soothing, relaxing and necessary for healing. Pain steals all the forementioned. 
Massage therapists are brilliant centered beautiful healers willing to help you help your body heal.More sleep, less pain,more healing. More PLEASE.


Massage RELAXES tense and knotted muscles. Tense and tight + restriction and contracted muscles= pain upon pain.
A warm massage is the best remedy here.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


When our immune system is incredibly overworked and under paid, its residence, the GI tract, is in constant disaster reaction making the primary function of digestion move aside for the immediate attention of the very dangerous fires which travel the rest of the body.

  During these years of suffering,learning,researching,experimenting,healing and focusing... I have notice particular paths from particular consumption. 
Once I noticed this, I would try again and the results, for me, were incredibly empowering.
As I see my friends flare, their quest for freedom of the painful moment taps my experience reflex.
A recent chat with a friend prompts me share relative tidbits of helpful information  that helped her immediately.I shared my experience with her, encouraged her to notice her RA fire starters and it helped her make a difference immediately.
Since the mass of theories and remedies are often so overwhelming, our eyes read and read, only to skip most of the content in desperate search of at least one single piece on information to help us help ourselves right now.

Here are only three relevant pieces of information to help you right now:




reason : reactive: unable to digest dairy- ALLERGIC REACTION

CHEESE in most vicious order : SOFT CHEESE

Without a doubt, one on the most immediate and fierce causes of a vicious flare is  soft cheese. Particularily soft cheese, of the  cow dairy kind.
The softer more tastier the cheese, the worse the flare.
Within hours of consuming soft cheese, my wrists would flare so bad I scanned my memory for a fall or something that could have broken that wrist! 
IT WAS ... YES...the soft comforting yummy  cheese!

As soon as I learned the path was predictable, tested it time and time again, the soft cheese made a fire parade to my wrists and hands so vicious I noted its direct path.

Recommendation: LIMIT to STOP All DAIRY-Try goats milk cheese and sheeps milk cheese 

CORN and CORN Products
reason : reactive: unable to digest- ALLERGIC REACTION


Popcorn is a favorite snack...and for people suffering from chronic conditions and pain 24 hours a day a little salt and butter comfort in a popcorn bowl with a cozy movie is a yummy distraction.Movie nights become the social life of the painfully confined.

WHOA!! POPCORN would SHUT DOWN my hips and knees with in hours via an excruciating entrance.Literally, I would feel like the lower half of my body had been crushed at the hips and the knees felt snapped. NO GO. Not even an UP. This fire path ripped thru my core joints every time I ate popcorn.
The paths are many, but this one was most often when I ate popcorn. I stopped. I walked.

Recommendation: LIMIT to STOP ALL CORN and CORN PRODUCTS- Snack on nuts and seeds and try gluten free lentil chips.

reason : reactive: unable to digest entire concoction of ingredients -ALLERGIC REACTION

Every single time I enjoyed simple store bought cheat in a chocolate bar - the next morning I would wake up with my hands curled up in a painful ball only to be coached out with many milligrams of ibuprofen and HOT water.

ALL these products fall under the processed food category: we do not digest any less than real food.
RA needs real food, real nutriition to heal. If your food is not real, your food cannot heal.
No if's ,ands or buts.

Recommendation: LIMIT to STOP All Confectioners Chocolate and Candy.
When you must and cannot resist- choose simple fine dark organic chocolate sans heaps of additives.

"Take your healing path seriously and change something today. One little change today will bring a big change tomorrow." 
- Honnor Moore

Sunday, February 13, 2011


With So MUCH information flying thru your cyber space I have decided to maintain a minimal and direct presence. I will provide information based on my experience and keep it to the straight and narrow.
This life is a one shot deal. It is so beautiful and ugly at the same time. I have seen lived both. You or I have no time to waste cleaning up the cyber litter of "theories" and "treatments' toted about by many who have never lived this kind of dark despair.
I am not a doctor, but I am the carrier of this there-in lies my expertise.


Determined by intensive diagnostics in another country,preparation for major surgical procedure began as we learned and confirmed this:
MY RA was caused by a systemic bone infection, found in my stomach, originating AND traced back to my jaw, which housed infected AND necrotic (dead) bone and tissue from a few root canals and  ( apparently removed) mercury fillings still hidden under gold crowns.
Included in the discovery, found only upon surgery, was a piece of a dental instrument called an endodontic file embedded in my tooth, directly impeding on my liver meridian literally channeling the most devastating biologic poison into my poison control centre. This means the toxic brew locked in my jaw was travelling throughout my body in various ways, shredding my carnal suit.
I have learned and confirmed this: READ CAREFULLY:
If you have a chronic degenerative condition, rheumatoid arthritis or another autoimmune disease,start at the top and forensic down. I did. 
The cause of my RA was something I knew intuitively at the very beginning of this nightmare and disease. When I called the dentist at first sound of the word "wheelchair" they would not return my calls or even talk to me about the possibility of relating dental work to this kind of illness. In fact, looking back, any conventional dental procedure from then on made the disease more fierce. Not one doctor agreed when I mentioned my intuition.
NO ONE IN MY MEDICAL ARENA WOULD LISTEN TO ME.  Not my dentists. Not my GP, not my Rheumatologist. No one.
 My life rewound at the very moment my doctor showed me what was removed from my jaw:
RA became a pinball, identified itself and revealed its path through my pinball machine.
Dental treatment, a root canal  done twice that would never heal.Re-occurring strep throat, rheumatic fever, re -occurring pleurisy, asthma heart pain, heart trouble"angina" GI train wreck,ovarian rupture, JOINT DETERIORATION and devastating existence.
Acutely apparent was every single thing I ate, drank,swallowed, breathed was literally became my autoimmune deadly poison,travelling to my stomach where my immune system did its very best to protect the rest of me best it can.There is no a soul on this earth that can no tell me my immune system is too powerful and that is why it is shredding my body.
While I continue procedures of many kinds to remove the damage in my jaw and body, and embrace  regeneration therapies, I know this... I was right. 13 years and a whole body ago.
Google : root canals and autoimmune disease. Google: root canals cover up. Google; jawbone infection and cavitation.
I am not saying everyone has a piece of dental instrument left in the jaw like I did, but I am saying my RA was caused by a bone infection that started as a result of dental procedures.
SEEK out a BIOLOGICAL DENTIST as soon as possible. They will test you and see what lies in the structure of your face, top of your digestive track ( aka immune system)
 I have the proof in my possession.
Trace back to the start for your answers my RA friends,  my other condition friends...ask yourself what may have caused your agony. Leave the mental nonsense of "the professionals" that your self sabotage and self hatred out of the equation.God knows, suffering is enough without someone telling you you hate yourself so therefore you have permitted your body to turn on you.
Back to the start- at the top. work your way down.  Get busy.Get better. I am and Victory is in clear view.
Godspeed to you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

You FEEL what YOU EAT.

For many of us, we will deal with aches and pains, injuries and conditions that interfere with our daily movement, exercise and even our mental stamina. Some of us exist in but a glimpse of the" in between " excruciating days, months and even years and try to relentlessly push through the pain fog day after day without even knowing there are some health guerrillas right in our food storage keeping pace with the sabotage.
Some obvious and not so obvious bullies in our kitchen can actually be 'causing' painful conditions to run the gamut... and dare I say even some in our supplement line up!

To some these obvious triggers that can set off explosive reactions,sensitivities and inflammatory responses of many kinds that attack our immune system are WHEAT, GLUTEN, DAIRY, WHEY, SOY and SUGAR. 
To others, they are not so obvious. The sensitivity can be layered under many other culprits...hiding in the lurks quite happy to go denied or undetected. All of these meanies are in processed food. Some  are even in fruits and veggies and yes... even in the healthy whole grain bread you loved in the morning.
Sensitivities can show up as fatigue,pain and inflammation,gas,bloating confusion,dehydration to mention just a few conditions.. INCLUDING WEIGHT GAIN.All taking their bite of out your internal health, GI tract and depriving your cellular health.
Be aware that consider 90 % of illness happens in our digestive track...and even higher percentage is stemming from the start of digestion: our mouth.
That means our unaware consumptions of the tiniest amount of offenders go quietly or undetected until they hit the small intestine then all **** gets sorted out...or not.

For someone with an inflammatory immune response,the inflammation and the destruction it brings starts in the inside of the battle ground, and the swelling, like waves presents around the body.If you are swelling in a joint, your intestines are also inflamed. If you have skin  lesions or eczema etc... this too, is an indicator your consumption and absorption is hurting you on the inside.
 The deeper the layer, the harder to detect, but once detected, rescue and  recovery sets itself up just as fast for a brilliant result.

Once we are aware of our bodies defense patterns, many reactions can be sidestepped by avoiding the offending party and substituting with natural option. We  have to become part detective, part scientist and part genius within our own skin.

So, the next time you are is struggling with the onset of pain, inflammation, or worried about the creeping weight gain taking over, take a peek at your diet the hours and days before. Start to eliminate white from your diet to start. White anything. You may notice a HUGE difference when you hit the gym.

For arthritis, an inflammatory condition, is of course, the Paleo Diet. ( see below)

My life depends my nourishment, Literally.When I cheat- I cheat with understanding and knowledge... and preparation for the hit...cheat with the least of the heavy hitters. I do enjoy kettle chips now and then,  and yes... I pick my battles carefully... every know and then. : ) 
Be well. Live well and Love yourself well.
Everyday. All the time. On time. And you will heal a little more each day.

Monday, December 6, 2010


"I'm convinced that we can write and live our own scripts more than most people 

will acknowledge. I also know the price that must be paid. It's a real struggle 
to do it. It requires visualization and affirmation. It involves living a life of
integrity, starting with making and keeping promises, until the whole human personality
the senses, the thinking, the feeling, and the intuition are ultimately integrated
and harmonized."

- Stephen Covey

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Intergrative Medicine and Modalities Help Heal

Here are the modalities I employ to  help me heal rheumatoid arthritis.  

Integrative Medicine and Diagnostics

Medicine is the art and science of healing. 

Natural Medicine and Conventional Medicine Diagnostics are a necessity in the Intergrative Medicine Approach and  include the components of a nature based relationship with our environment and body as well as the conventional study and approach of science and medicine. In my experience, the cannot be separate and be effective in treating disease. 

Biological Dentistry
Biological Dentistry stresses the use of nontoxic restoration materials for dental work and focuses on the impact that dental toxins and hidden dental infections have on overall health. It has been estimated by European researchers that as much as half of all chronic degenerative illness can be traced to dental problems and modern dentistry's reliance on traditional techniques to treat them. Unlike the traditional approach, biological dentistry treats the teeth, jaw and related structures with the assumption that treatment affects the entire body.

Organic and Natural Nourishment
Natural food from natural sources is pivotal to ones healing of dis-ease.  An organic diet of seasonally approriate fruit, vegtables, nuts, seeds, meat and fish are the buidling blocks of our health. Chemical dependant products found in the fast food and processed food is not nourishment and will only harm you. 

The metabolic process by which the toxic qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body.

Heat therapy- Infrared
the use of infrared radiation (as by infrared lamps or heating pads or hot water bottles) to relieve pain and increase circulation to a particular area of the body


"In summary, electromedicine in its various forms is fast becoming one of the primary safe, efficacious and cost effective treatments of choice as we enter the 21st century."

Like in any therapy please note:
"Electrical stimulation that is intended to effect changes anywhere in the body can only be successful if the necessary nutrients are available when the treatment is applied. For example, researchers believe that CES helps recovering addicts by stimulating the brain to make more endorphins, but these can only be produced if the requisite amino acids and other nutrients are present in the diet and in an available form. Similarly, microcurrent stimulation of damaged tissue can not instigate, or potentiate the rate of body repair if the requisite nutrients are not available at the damaged site, just as electromagnetic bone healers can not be expected to be successful if insufficient calcium is available at the fracture site, among a multitude of other required nutrients."
In addiction to improving and/or changing the diet one must also, search for, and find the cause of the affliction and remove it - or a permanent cure is not likely. 
Chris Gupta

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy is a form of treatment based upon the premise that all harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi (e.g. flu, colds, AIDs, candida albicans and cancerous cells) are anaerobic - they can only thrive in low oxygen environments. Conversely, to maintain good health, the human body requires a rich supply of oxygen.

Causes of oxygen depletion
There are a number of reasons why oxygen levels are restricted to human tissue.

At sea level, approximately 20 per cent of the atmosphere is supposed to be oxygen, but due to the high levels of smog and low numbers of trees in cities, the available amount of oxygen can reduced to 10 per cent.

Carbon monoxide fumes from cars strip oxygen molecules from the blood.
Tap water is very low in oxygen because its journey through lead pipes and the addition of chlorine and other chemical contaminants prevent it from being aerated.

Dietary:Cooking or heating food reduces the oxygen content in vegetables and fruits, and processed foods have little or no oxygen content. In 1961, Dr R.A. Holman M.D., senior lecturer in Bacteriology, School of Medicine at the University of Wales stated that the answer to cancer lies in ‘the fundamental catalase-peroxide mechanism of our own cells’... ‘to this end, it is urgently required that a concerted effort be made at an international level to curtail the intake of catalase-inhibiting agents, whether in the air, food, drink, drugs or radiation to which we are exposed.’ He went on to suggest that ‘this plan should be coupled with a campaign to increase the intake of catalase by the consumption of fresh, living foodstuffs together with a re-education of man to use his animal body in the way for which it was designed’.(1)
This, of course, supports the current day notion that a diet high in fibre made up largely from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables together with moderate aerobic exercise and adequate rest and relaxation is the best prescription for health. However, once the body’s natural defence systems have been broken down through an unhealthy lifestyle, there comes a point when patients are unable to obtain sufficient oxygen through diet and lifestyle to regain health. And, perhaps this is where oxygen therapy offers potential help.

There are two main methods of Oxygen therapy is through Hydogen Peroxide and Ozone treatment.

Ozone treatment
Ozone treatment involves forcing oxygen through a metal tube carrying a 300 volt charge. A pint of blood is then drawn from the patient and placed into an infusion bottle. Ozone is then forced int the bottle and mixed so that the ozone molecues dissolve into the blood and, in so doing, destroy all lipid-envelope virus and many disease organisms, but leave the blood unharmed. The treated blood is then returned to the patient. It is claimed that the treated blood transfers its virucidal properties to the rest of the patient’s blood as it disperses.

Hydrogen peroxideHydrogen peroxide, when exposed to your blood or other body fluids containing the enzyme ‘catalase’ is chemically split into oxygen and water. Many people have experienced the foaming effect produced by putting hydrogen peroxide on a wound; the foam is oxygen being produced by the action of catalase on the hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide may be injected directly into the bloodstream or taken orally. In the USA, licenced physicians administer injections. However, a much simpler method of oxygen therapy is oral administration, the only drawback being the somewhat bleachy, unpleasant taste.

Did you know...

that, in Nature, rain, snow and droplets on plants have all been shown to contain small concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide. The rishest natural source of peroxidase in plants are horseradish, potatoes and chestnuts.

Massage Therapy
Deep or light pressure applied to the musculoskeletal system for the purpose of muscle relaxation, myofascial release, increasing joint function, increasing lymphatic drainage, realigning scar tissue, or increasing local blood flow

Physical and Mental Benefits

  • relaxes the whole body
  • loosens tight muscles
  • relieves tired and aching muscles
  • increases flexibility and range of motion
  • diminishes chronic pain
  • calms the nervous system
  • lowers blood pressure
  • lowers heart rate
  • enhances skin tone
  • assists in recovery from injuries and illness
  • strengthens the immune system
  • reduces tension headaches
  • reduces mental stress
  • improves concentration
  • promotes restful sleep
  • aids in mental relaxation
A system of diagnosis and treatment based on the concept that the nervous system coordinates all of the body's functions, and that disease results from a lack of normal nerve function. Chiropractic employs manipulation and adjustment of body structures, such as the spinal column, so that pressure on nerves coming from the spinal cord due to displacement (subluxation) of a vertebral body may be relieved. Practitioners believe that misalignment and nerve pressure can cause problems not only in the local area, but also at some distance from it. Chiropractic treatment appears to be effective for muscle spasms of the back and neck, tension headaches, and some sorts of leg pain. It may or may not be useful for other ailments.

Essentially, Kinesiology as used in the complementary health field, is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical, emotional or other energy, to establish the body's priority healing needs, and to evaluate energy changes brought about by a broad spectrum of both manual and non-manual therapeutic procedures.

To quiet the mind and remove the ego and let peace be your companion.

 Spiritual Psychology
Transpersonal psychology is a school of psychology that studies the transpersonal, self-transcendent or spiritual aspects of the human experience.

Nutraceutical Supplementation
combining the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”, is a food or food product that provides health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease.

Modified Fitness training
Walking, light cardio, aqua rehabilitation and fitness, isometrics, light resistance, training, yga, stretching all of which enhance your body's natural ability to balance and heal.

Be Still and Know I am God. Psalm 46:10  

"Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet,
the use of water, trust in divine power, these are the true remedies."
E. G. White - Counsels on Health - 1905

Vocational Rehabilitaton

Vocational Rehabilitation is a plan prepared with a team of therapists that will enable the patient to return to work in coordination with the clinical team, help coordinate and explain disability benefits, and work with employers to ensure good career matches and suitable accommodations for the patient in the work place. This encourages healing, participation,contribution and elevates ons self confidence ...and evidently self healing.

Medical Counselling

Medical counseling involves a combination of medical, holistic, and mind-body techniques that reduce stress and anxiety, and promote healing.  It also gives an informed assessment of the options and services available to your particular situation and helps navigate the often daunting and confusing world of the healthcare system.